Erm Hi Everyone,
On Thursday 1st September Meg and I went to Kempton Market. It was a great day out! It’s on every Thursday and is held at Kempton Racecourse. There are quite a few pet stalls and even a specific dog boutique stall with dog clothes and glamarous dog collars. My human bought me a new pink leather and chain lead from a stall called ‘Dog House’ and Megs human bought her other pets some food.
There were lots of smells to discover and crumbs to eat off the floor! Kempton Market is probably only best for well socialised dogs as it is very busy and full of humans, but its great for your human to go shopping, whilst spending time with you! Unlike highstreet shops!
Kempton Market is the biggest weekday market in the south, and can be found at Kempton Racecourse on Thursdays from 9.00am – 3.00pm.
For more information contact the organisers on 01483 202 214.